Tackling Common Skin Conditions: Adult Acne

Tackling Common Skin Conditions: Adult Acne

Struggling with adult acne can be a tedious and emotional issue. Obagi users have told us countless stories about how they’ve tried almost everything but became frustrated because nothing seemed to work. Many have expressed that they felt that they couldn’t leave the house without makeup on because they were simply too embarrassed about their skin. We’ve heard your struggles; but more importantly, we’ve heard how you’ve overcome them thanks to Obagi and your commitment to healthier-looking skin.


While acne is never easy to deal with, it can be especially traumatic as an adult. It wouldn’t be unusual in your 30s, 40s and 50s to think, “I’m too old for this.” But the truth is that adult acne is more common than you might have thought.


The worst part about acne - particularly as an adult - is that it not only affects your skin, possibly resulting in blemishes, scarring or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, but it can also take a significant toll on your confidence. The good news is that there are options for controlling and diminishing the appearance of acne.


While a consistent, thorough skin care routine can help prevent acne, there are many factors that contribute to acne breakouts aside from the products you do – or don’t – use on your skin. To fully understand the causes of adult acne and available treatment options, you should first identify the type of adult acne you are experiencing.


What are the common types of adult acne?

A comedone is the scientific name for a whitehead or a blackhead. These pesky skin blemishes pop up when the openings of hair follicles become clogged or blocked by excessive sebum, dead skin cells, or an over-abundance of P. acne bacteria. If the comedone is open at the skin’s surface, the plug in the hair follicle appears as a blackhead, whereas closed comedones result in a slightly raised skin-colored bump, or a whitehead. While comedones are some of the most common forms of adult acne, variety of inflammatory lesions may also appear.


Papules, or small raised bumps that indicate inflammation or infection in the hair follicle, may be red and tender, much like pustules, or pimples, which are red, tender bumps with pus at their tips.


Nodules or cysts are large, solid, painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin caused by the buildup of secretions deep within hair follicles. Like nodules, cysts occur beneath the skin’s surface and result in pus-filled lumps that can ultimately result in scarring of the skin.


What’s Causes Acne?

Increased or excessive sebum production, an over-abundance of P. acne bacteria, and inflammation can cause acne. These conditions are often caused by contact with greasy substances, and in some cases, cosmetics that are applied directly to the skin are all factors that may cause an acne breakout.


Some other factors that may trigger or aggravate an existing case of acne are hormones, medications, stress, diet, and genetics.


After adolescence, hormones in women are heightened 2 to 7 days before a menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, or from the use of oral contraceptives. When these hormone levels increase, sebaceous glands enlarge to create more sebum, an oily/waxy substance that can clog pores.


How should you treat adult acne?

Obagi’s CLENZIderm M.D.® System was formulated to help combat acne and, with daily use, help prevent future acne from forming.


This three-step acne system is formulated with clinically proven ingredients, like 5% benzoyl peroxide and 2% salicylic acid, that help treat acne where it starts and help provide a clearer, healthier-looking complexion.


obagi medical clenziderm acne system


Here’s how to incorporate it into your daily routine


Step 1: Cleanse.

Wet your face with warm water and dispense a nickel-sized amount of the Daily Care Foaming Cleanser into your hand. Lather, rinse, and pat dry.


Step 2: Therapy.

Fall in love with our Pore Therapy. About 10 minutes after you have cleansed, apply according to the instructions to help unclog pores and clear away dead skin cells.


Step 3: Finish.

The Therapeutic Lotion, a lightweight acne treatment lotion with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) rounds up the CLENZIderm treatment.


Follow with sunscreen, and you’re ready to go! Learn more about CLENZIderm’s powerful ingredients, here.


As with any skin concern, it is important to consult your skin care provider about available treatment options. But first, identify the type of adult acne that you are experiencing and educate yourself on your condition in order to have an informed discussion with your physician.


Then, ask your doctor if the Obagi CLENZIderm M.D. System would be a good option for you and your unique skin care needs.


Complete with 2% salicylic acid and 5% benzoyl peroxide, The CLENZIderm M.D. System is a three-step acne treatment with clinically proven ingredients that penetrate deep within the pores and target adult acne at the source for clearer skin in as little as 1 week. Find a physician near you for more information.


CLENZIderm not meant to treat severe acne, nodules or cysts.